What is going on here? I wish I had dressed up in some elaborately scary or hilariously inappropriate costume and gone to a party or gone to a show. Instead, I gave piles of candy to kids who don't say "Trick or Treat?" and weren't even in costume?! Now since when are kids just coming up to some stranger's door and asking for candy without fulfilling those very simple but also very necessary requirements? Because without those key pieces of the game, they're just fuckin' kids stealing candy from a stranger. Call me the Halloween grinch. Next year, we're turning off the porchlight and having a Halloween party of our own. You are invited!
Speaking of the grinch, now that Halloween is here and gone, time for X-mas season! If you didn't just throw-up in your mouth, come with me and celebrate the upcoming season with your pal Sufjan right here. You know you love Christmas albums. Admit it.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
Xiu Xiu
Tickets went on sale months and months ago, but finally the time came for Xiu Xiu (pronounced "Shoe Shoe") to play their Triple Rock show on Saturday night. Not sure how these things work but Xiu Xiu ended up with the early all-ages time slot, before the later 18+ gig featuring Margot & the Nuclear So & So's with headliner The Elected. No matter.
My first note of commentary is on the audience. Other than a Low show from a few years ago when everyone on the main floor literally sat down to listen, I think this may have been the most still and silent crowd I'd ever witnessed at a rock concert. Eerily so. It was so quiet, I swore I heard a cat meowing somewhere near the back of the room. I'm just glad my phone didn't ring for fear of being yelled at. This is just not the sort of atmosphere you expect. So I couldn't get a read on the crowd. Was this silence in reverence for the indie avant-garde stylings of Jamie Stewart? Or a case of unenthusiastic concert-goers bored to tears? You got me. I'm thinking a bit of both. For example, Jay Flyer, my concert comrade on this evening, was unimpressed and decided a chicken sandwich was in order next door at the bar. But as you could probably guess, I was more on the reverent side of the spectrum. Still, the crowd sucked. Come on, people. It doesn't kill you to dance a little!
So anyway...Xiu Xiu is a fascinating band. They feature confrontational lyrics combined with some explosively violent sounds. But don't let that scare you. Add on Jamie's vulnerable voice and a surprisingly great sense of melody fighting through the chaos and you have some awesome tunes. The Cure is an obvious point of reference but there is no derivative aspect to the band. If you're interested, I strongly recommend Fabulous Muscles or their new release and one of the year's best, The Air Force.
So how are they live? Amazing and volatile. One moment, the music and lyrics are so delicate and hushed that you can barely hear the song; then suddenly, they explode in a fury of raucous (and often danceable) electronic beats and aggressive guitar. There's just three of 'em on stage, and each showcases multi-instrumental talents. But immediately, the first thing that strikes you is that frontman Jamie Stewart is one intense dude. Seriously. I thought he might break down at several points during the set. Whether "break down" meant pulling out a gun and blowing me away, or instead just crying his eyes out, I'm not sure. But that's the intensity I'm talking about. It's this dichotomy of violence and vulnerability that makes Xiu Xiu so damn fascinating.
Take these lyrics from one of their best songs titled "Fabulous Muscles" (which they didn't play unfortunately):
Break my face in
It was the kindest touch you ever gave
Wrap my dreams around your thighs
And drape my hope upon the chance to touch your arm
Fabulous muscles
Cremate me after you cum on my lips
Honey boy place my ashes in a vase
Beneath your workout bench
No romance no sexiness
But a star-filled night
Kneeling down before the now familiar flesh
Of your deformed penis
Wigging out before the unfamiliar flesh
Of my broken neck
So this is not exactly light reading, folks. Jamie Stewart is one serious fuckin' musician. And my god, he could kick my ass, too. Who knew he was some sort of weight lifter? Fabulous Muscles, indeed. Anyway, he is a passionate guy and it comes through in the music and the performance. I've been a fan for only a short while, discovering their music gradually over the last year. It isn't instantly accessible and can be downright frustrating at first but it really grew on me. For anyone who is already familiar with their material, all of this commentary comes as no surprise. But seeing them live really added to their punch for me, even if all this sounds a little too heavy for a rock show. I'm sure that chicken sandwich was good, too.
These postings go on way too long. I apologize. I could have just written this: Shitty crowd, awesomely intense performance, chicken sandwich.
I'll work on my brevity.
My first note of commentary is on the audience. Other than a Low show from a few years ago when everyone on the main floor literally sat down to listen, I think this may have been the most still and silent crowd I'd ever witnessed at a rock concert. Eerily so. It was so quiet, I swore I heard a cat meowing somewhere near the back of the room. I'm just glad my phone didn't ring for fear of being yelled at. This is just not the sort of atmosphere you expect. So I couldn't get a read on the crowd. Was this silence in reverence for the indie avant-garde stylings of Jamie Stewart? Or a case of unenthusiastic concert-goers bored to tears? You got me. I'm thinking a bit of both. For example, Jay Flyer, my concert comrade on this evening, was unimpressed and decided a chicken sandwich was in order next door at the bar. But as you could probably guess, I was more on the reverent side of the spectrum. Still, the crowd sucked. Come on, people. It doesn't kill you to dance a little!
So anyway...Xiu Xiu is a fascinating band. They feature confrontational lyrics combined with some explosively violent sounds. But don't let that scare you. Add on Jamie's vulnerable voice and a surprisingly great sense of melody fighting through the chaos and you have some awesome tunes. The Cure is an obvious point of reference but there is no derivative aspect to the band. If you're interested, I strongly recommend Fabulous Muscles or their new release and one of the year's best, The Air Force.

Take these lyrics from one of their best songs titled "Fabulous Muscles" (which they didn't play unfortunately):
It was the kindest touch you ever gave
Wrap my dreams around your thighs
And drape my hope upon the chance to touch your arm
Fabulous muscles
Cremate me after you cum on my lips
Honey boy place my ashes in a vase
Beneath your workout bench
No romance no sexiness
But a star-filled night
Kneeling down before the now familiar flesh
Of your deformed penis
Wigging out before the unfamiliar flesh
Of my broken neck
So this is not exactly light reading, folks. Jamie Stewart is one serious fuckin' musician. And my god, he could kick my ass, too. Who knew he was some sort of weight lifter? Fabulous Muscles, indeed. Anyway, he is a passionate guy and it comes through in the music and the performance. I've been a fan for only a short while, discovering their music gradually over the last year. It isn't instantly accessible and can be downright frustrating at first but it really grew on me. For anyone who is already familiar with their material, all of this commentary comes as no surprise. But seeing them live really added to their punch for me, even if all this sounds a little too heavy for a rock show. I'm sure that chicken sandwich was good, too.

I'll work on my brevity.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
The Hold Steady
On Tuesday night, The Hold Steady was in town for the first of two big homecoming shows at First Avenue. By far the most Twin Cities-obsessed band on the planet, The Hold Steady throw out so many TC lyrical references that even the most jaded local listener feels in-the-know. Example: Best local reference of the night goes to Craig Finn's dedication of a song to obscure Minnesota Twins sidearmer Pat Neshek. So you can imagine how this highly geeked-out crowd might embrace these guys upon their return home.
First let me back up a sec. Robot Boy was the first of two opening acts. They sounded fine if not a little repetitive. But the real problem here was their stage presence which left something to be desired. Oddly, that something turned out to be an absurdly enthusiastic dancer who suddenly appeared on stage for two songs, quickly drawing the crowd's attention with his unapologetically flamboyant moves. Hard to describe but as the band continued to shoe-gaze, this dancer stole the spotlight for a fleeting moment. I hadn't seen that running-man move in years! He was wearing a First Avenue "Staff" shirt but I'm thinking you can just buy those anywhere and that he probably wasn't an actual employee. Anyway, once he left stage, so went the crowd's attention.
Next up was the always entertaining Sean Tillman (another local musician come home), tonight appearing with Sean Na-Na rather than as his more infamous, and scantily-dressed persona Har Mar Superstar. All the same, Tillman and his band rocked the house with some surprisingly accomplished tunes. But enough with the music already. The highlight of any Sean Tillman appearance is the between song banter, which doubles as an improv stand-up comedy routine. I could quote some of the better lines, but it wouldn't come off in text.
So back to The Hold Steady. I have been really loving their latest release Boys & Girls In America and looking forward to this show for months. Never short in enthusiasm, they played a consistently energetic set of songs mostly pulled from Boys & Girls and Separation Sunday. Hoodrats, Southtown girls, Lyndale, Rainbow Foods and Craig Finn's beloved Mississippi River. They all made an appearance on this night. Finn was in top form weaving story after drug-ridden-Minneapolis-story while branding an enormous dorky grin throughout. He clearly loved playing to such an adoring crowd. How could he not? My only complaint of the night was the surprisingly poor sound mix during The Hold Steady. Muddled is the word for it. Finn's words were hard to make out. My second complaint is that they didn't play "First Night" which is my favorite song from the new album. Or at least I don't remember them playing it. I ended up getting a little toasted by the end, no thanks to the over-sized bottles of beer they serve at First Avenue.
This leads me to another point. I'm beginning to truly dread weeknight concerts. I hate to admit something like this, because I sound like an old fart. I'm only 27. Still a young pup right? I should have the energy and the stamina but I'm finding that I often don't anymore. It's pretty sad. But honestly, who are we kidding? I have an intense passion for live music, but for better or worse, I feel just as strongly about sleep. Doors open at 8pm. After two opening acts, the headliner doesn't even get on stage until 11:30. Add alcohol to that long haul and you can just kiss the rest of the week goodbye. Friday and Saturday night fellas, that's all I'm asking.
First let me back up a sec. Robot Boy was the first of two opening acts. They sounded fine if not a little repetitive. But the real problem here was their stage presence which left something to be desired. Oddly, that something turned out to be an absurdly enthusiastic dancer who suddenly appeared on stage for two songs, quickly drawing the crowd's attention with his unapologetically flamboyant moves. Hard to describe but as the band continued to shoe-gaze, this dancer stole the spotlight for a fleeting moment. I hadn't seen that running-man move in years! He was wearing a First Avenue "Staff" shirt but I'm thinking you can just buy those anywhere and that he probably wasn't an actual employee. Anyway, once he left stage, so went the crowd's attention.
Next up was the always entertaining Sean Tillman (another local musician come home), tonight appearing with Sean Na-Na rather than as his more infamous, and scantily-dressed persona Har Mar Superstar. All the same, Tillman and his band rocked the house with some surprisingly accomplished tunes. But enough with the music already. The highlight of any Sean Tillman appearance is the between song banter, which doubles as an improv stand-up comedy routine. I could quote some of the better lines, but it wouldn't come off in text.

This leads me to another point. I'm beginning to truly dread weeknight concerts. I hate to admit something like this, because I sound like an old fart. I'm only 27. Still a young pup right? I should have the energy and the stamina but I'm finding that I often don't anymore. It's pretty sad. But honestly, who are we kidding? I have an intense passion for live music, but for better or worse, I feel just as strongly about sleep. Doors open at 8pm. After two opening acts, the headliner doesn't even get on stage until 11:30. Add alcohol to that long haul and you can just kiss the rest of the week goodbye. Friday and Saturday night fellas, that's all I'm asking.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Scare me

Sunday, October 22, 2006
The Departed

The acting is superb across the board. Jack is Jack. He damn near falls into caricature with his role as the devilishly violent Boston crime boss Frank Costello. He may chew the scenery but don't tell me it isn't fun to watch. Matt Damon and Leonardo are both fantastic. I have come to expect great acting from Matt Damon but I had forgotten that Leo had the chops. This is his film and he carries it all the way through, bringing a fiery intensity to the man of Billy Costigan, a cop deeply undercover within Frank Costello's crew. The supporting cast is filled with great actors and roles, but none more entertaining than the twosome of Alec Baldwin and Mark Wahlberg. They play a pair of intense and enthusiastic police with some of the best lines in the film, save those of Jack's of course.
Although the movie is well over two hours, you'd never guess it. The plot is taut and the story fast-paced. Credit goes to the great editing to keep things moving along with such a brisk and intense rhythm. Like all of Scorsese's best films, the use of rock music is excellent featuring The Rolling Stones, John Lennon, Pink Floyd, Dropkick Murphys, etc. Music plays almost constantly from beginning to end and adds a punch to many scenes. The violence is as graphic as hell but shows up only in short, explosive jolts. The film may not be particularly deep or emotionally stirring. You don't walk out of the theater with any sort of insight into these characters and the world they inhabit. So this fact keeps it from rising into the ranks with Scorsese's best work (e.g. Mean Streets, Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, Goodfellas) But all the same, The Departed is a raucous and thrilling film and definitely one of the year's best. Welcome back, Marty.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Broken Social Scene
Thanks to guest blogger Jay Flyer for posting on Indianapolis BSS show...and damn them for skipping Mpls:
Last night’s show at the Vogue in Indy sounded great… Amy Milian was present, but no Leslie… boo. Anyway, there was a bit of tension on stage… in the midst of Almost Crimes the lead guitarist/backing vocals missed his queue… Kevin Drew immediately stopped the song waving his hands in the air demanding everyone to stop. He looks down the line at the unabashed guitarist (not sure who… face to name thing) and says something along the lines of, “I guess someone doesn’t want to sing his part tonight. Fine, that’s the end of the song.” They move on to the next. Drama!
Btw… I’m from Mpls and was at their show at First Ave. last year and the number of fans easily doubled the number in Indy. What’s up with Indy? Not aware of good music out there? Congrats to all who were there.
Do Make Say Think were there as an opening act. A few played with BSS. They are a young and talented band who can rock when they want to rock. I met Justin and Jimmy; Justin is by far the highlight of the act, his frail, tattooed body can wail on a guitar and steal the show… good thing for Jimmy, his level head can probably (hopefully) keep Justin in line.
Scott, they have never heard of Stereogum.com… they’ve been educated. Crazy Canadians.
Jay Flyer
Last night’s show at the Vogue in Indy sounded great… Amy Milian was present, but no Leslie… boo. Anyway, there was a bit of tension on stage… in the midst of Almost Crimes the lead guitarist/backing vocals missed his queue… Kevin Drew immediately stopped the song waving his hands in the air demanding everyone to stop. He looks down the line at the unabashed guitarist (not sure who… face to name thing) and says something along the lines of, “I guess someone doesn’t want to sing his part tonight. Fine, that’s the end of the song.” They move on to the next. Drama!

Do Make Say Think were there as an opening act. A few played with BSS. They are a young and talented band who can rock when they want to rock. I met Justin and Jimmy; Justin is by far the highlight of the act, his frail, tattooed body can wail on a guitar and steal the show… good thing for Jimmy, his level head can probably (hopefully) keep Justin in line.
Scott, they have never heard of Stereogum.com… they’ve been educated. Crazy Canadians.
Jay Flyer
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Early short films by Kubrick & Scorsese
Here is an awesome example of how the YouTube phenonmenon has profoundly affected media access. Essentially, it has opened up a historical archive of material that would have previously been impossible for the average person to view.
The new blog "...We're Going To The Pictures" features, via YouTube, early short films by Martin Scorsese and Stanley Kubrick. Amazing stuff.
The new blog "...We're Going To The Pictures" features, via YouTube, early short films by Martin Scorsese and Stanley Kubrick. Amazing stuff.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Quebec is indeed a gorgeous gem of a city, exceeding all of my expectations. Vieux-Quebec (Quebec's old town), resides behind fortified walls and within, it's as if you're suddenly transported to Europe. Since French is the national language around here, you quickly forget you're in North America at all.
Every night so far, I've searched the streets and alleys with the hopes of finding a spot with some live music but such venues are either non-existant or simply too difficult to locate for a naive and unresourceful foreigner who knows no French. I'm assuming the latter to be the case. But all is good for the food is delicious and the sangria bountiful.
See below for a couple choice pics of Quebec in case you're curious. As my timing has it, I'm here during the peak fall colors.
Every night so far, I've searched the streets and alleys with the hopes of finding a spot with some live music but such venues are either non-existant or simply too difficult to locate for a naive and unresourceful foreigner who knows no French. I'm assuming the latter to be the case. But all is good for the food is delicious and the sangria bountiful.
See below for a couple choice pics of Quebec in case you're curious. As my timing has it, I'm here during the peak fall colors.

Friday, October 13, 2006
Bound for Quebec
Forgot to mention, I'll be out of touch for a short while. I'm headed to Canada, to Quebec City actually, for a work-related conference. Heard it's a beautiful city (very French, very European) so I'm excited to take in some sights and discover some tasty food and drink. Wish I had time to take the quick trip over to Montreal, but that ain't gonna happen. If I see anything of even remote interest or aesthetic value, I'll post the pics when I return.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
The Current's in-studio archive
MPR's 89.3 The Current, the local FM radio fav around town, is quickly building a sizable and impressive archive of in-studio appearances. The featured artists typically depend on who is coming through town, so the latest addition to the site is my recent fav TVOTR. Since you're surely sick of me talking about them, you'll also find unique performances by Yo La Tengo, Calexico, Asobi Seksu, Ghostland Observatory, Bonnie "Prince" Billy, The Walkmen...I could go on and on.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Grind House
Watch this fantastically grotesque trailer for Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez's upcoming film Grind House coming out in April 2007. Quentin's half of the film is called Death Proof and Robert's is Planet Terror. You'll immediately get the idea. Nothing remarkable. Just more exploitation movie pastiche from T & R. Almost like the filmmaking equivalent of masturbation. It's gets old quick but with a little bit of creativity can be surprisingly entertaining. Problem is, when the show's over, it's never as good as you had hoped.
I do admire the spirited marketing on Grind House so far...the posters (see below) and now this new trailer are pretty striking. Usually this sort of thing doesn't do it for me, but I have a geeky soft spot for anything Tarantino. Rodriguez not as much...though Sin City had its moments. Love 'em or hate 'em, these two directors are experts in a particular kind of painfully shallow, obnoxiously self-aware entertainment. Is that a compliment or an insult? I don't even know but together again, it looks as if they are raising the stakes (maybe even competing against one another) to create an alternate universe of over-sexed, ultra-violent B-movie tropes of the sort I have never experienced firsthand. Not sure I want to either.

I do admire the spirited marketing on Grind House so far...the posters (see below) and now this new trailer are pretty striking. Usually this sort of thing doesn't do it for me, but I have a geeky soft spot for anything Tarantino. Rodriguez not as much...though Sin City had its moments. Love 'em or hate 'em, these two directors are experts in a particular kind of painfully shallow, obnoxiously self-aware entertainment. Is that a compliment or an insult? I don't even know but together again, it looks as if they are raising the stakes (maybe even competing against one another) to create an alternate universe of over-sexed, ultra-violent B-movie tropes of the sort I have never experienced firsthand. Not sure I want to either.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Sick & Tired

The true tragedy of this story is how on this particular weekend I had tickets for two highly anticipated gigs. I missed Saturday's Yo La Tengo show entirely. It pains me to say it, but I didn't even consider leaving my bed for the show. It simply wasn't an option on that night.
Gig #2 was TV on the Radio on Sunday night...and it would take a lot more than a little case of the bird-flu for me to miss two shows in a row, especially one starring live favorites, TVOTR. And so, against all reasonable medical advice (and my wife's), we made it to First Avenue. Buzzed up on a casserole of legal, over-the-counter cold medicines, I planted myself in the usual prime spot behind the soundboard and somehow maintained consciousness through Grizzly Bear's opening set. They sounded great by the way. More psychadelic than expected (you can read into that what you will) but as my wife put it, "not very danceable." She's right, but in my state, dancing was not in order.
During the deadtime between sets, the meds wore off, my pain escalated and I coughed on everyone around us. We decided it was better to reposition ourselves to the outskirts in case of a quick exit, but I was willing to risk staying just a little longer to make it through TVOTR. In defense of my wife, all this time I had been minimizing my sickness, insisting that I was feeling better and would be ok, etc. And at this point, there was no turning back. We made it all the way down here, fought the sold-out crowd, saw the opening set and now TVOTR would be on stage any minute now. Any. Minute. Now. Instead, the time crawled by as it never had before. I mean, sure, we all hate waiting between sets, but this was getting ridiculous. So I finally gave in and admitted that I was in awful pain, soon to die and probably shouldn't be out in a club late at night. Right on cue, TV on the Radio came out on stage. Resisting her natural instinct to punch me in the nose, my wife agreed with my assessment, dragged me home and nursed me back to health. By the time we finally left, I did hear a couple songs of TVOTR's set and I could tell already it wouldn't top seeing them at Emo's last month. So it was really for the best.
In closing, I'd like to sincerely thank my wife, Annie, for putting up with her husband who is endlessly stubborn and has no tolerance for pain. I really don't. And I whine incessantly when I'm sick. It's pathetic.
Let's hope that this public acknowledgment of my idiocy and her wisdom will go a long way to prevent any resentment on her part...after all, she woke up with a sore throat this morning.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Three and out

Monday, October 02, 2006
Half Nelson
Been a while since I've posted about a film..mostly because I haven't seen a good one in some time. But Fall is here and the crop of quality options is growing thicker each and every week.
This past weekend I saw Half Nelson directed by Ryan Fleck. The film first drew critical attention way back in January at Sundance, scoring a nomination for the Grand Jury Prize. Properly released a few weeks ago, this unassuming but powerful drama stars Ryan Gosling as Dan Dunne, a young, idealistic history teacher by day, a disillusioned coke-addict by night. One day after school, the teach is caught smoking a crack pipe in the school bathroom by one of his 13-year old students, Drey, played by the talented Shareeka Epps. After their mutually startling encounter, the two eventually develop a tentative father-daughter relationship. Their new bond is contrasted to Drey's interaction with her other father figure, Frank (played by Anthony Mackie), a polite and considerate drug dealer from the neighborhood. Although on the surface, Frank is easily the nicest and most watchful eye in Drey's life, he also has ulterior motives to recruit Drey into some of his unsavory errands.
The plot sounds like it could fall in all sorts of traps, most obviously the "white teacher/coach who shows the black kids how to find their inspiration within themselves." This ploy has been obnoxiously portrayed in countless films over the years. But writer/director Ryan Fleck and and co-writer Anna Boden take that seemingly insulting and worn-out premise and turn it on its head. Better yet, the film is politically and morally resonant, with insightful commentary on ideals and one's ability (or lack thereof) to change the world we live in.
But enough with the synopsis. This is a fantastic film, maybe the best I've seen this year. There are several arresting and emotional scenes in this film of the sort I long to see but rarely do. I should also note that the film strongly features Broken Social Scene music throughout. But I find it very surprising (and disappointing) that Half Nelson has not garnered more attention. I can't remember seeing a single ad upon its release and only through my incessant reading of online critics and blogs did I take notice. The reviews were outstanding across the board and Ryan Gosling (post-Notebook fame) is now an established name. So what's the deal here? Ryan Gosling kills in this role, proving that he is this generation's Sean Penn. The Oscar prognosticator's are charging full-steam with award-season predictions but Half Nelson is hardly registering. True, I haven't seen half as many films as most this year, but I find it hard to believe that Gosling's performance and Half Nelson wouldn't be up there in the top tier.
Subjectivity's a bitch. So go check out this great film...I promise you will not be disappointed.
This is just the beginning...
In case you're wondering, here are a few more films I'm looking forward to seeing over the next few months:
The Departed, Little Children, The Fountain, Fast Food Nation, Flags of Our Fathers, Borat, Babel, Volver, The Good German, Children of Men, The Good Shepherd and Dreamgirls. Check out trailers for most of these films on my release calendar link over on the sidebar.

The plot sounds like it could fall in all sorts of traps, most obviously the "white teacher/coach who shows the black kids how to find their inspiration within themselves." This ploy has been obnoxiously portrayed in countless films over the years. But writer/director Ryan Fleck and and co-writer Anna Boden take that seemingly insulting and worn-out premise and turn it on its head. Better yet, the film is politically and morally resonant, with insightful commentary on ideals and one's ability (or lack thereof) to change the world we live in.
But enough with the synopsis. This is a fantastic film, maybe the best I've seen this year. There are several arresting and emotional scenes in this film of the sort I long to see but rarely do. I should also note that the film strongly features Broken Social Scene music throughout. But I find it very surprising (and disappointing) that Half Nelson has not garnered more attention. I can't remember seeing a single ad upon its release and only through my incessant reading of online critics and blogs did I take notice. The reviews were outstanding across the board and Ryan Gosling (post-Notebook fame) is now an established name. So what's the deal here? Ryan Gosling kills in this role, proving that he is this generation's Sean Penn. The Oscar prognosticator's are charging full-steam with award-season predictions but Half Nelson is hardly registering. True, I haven't seen half as many films as most this year, but I find it hard to believe that Gosling's performance and Half Nelson wouldn't be up there in the top tier.
Subjectivity's a bitch. So go check out this great film...I promise you will not be disappointed.
This is just the beginning...
In case you're wondering, here are a few more films I'm looking forward to seeing over the next few months:
The Departed, Little Children, The Fountain, Fast Food Nation, Flags of Our Fathers, Borat, Babel, Volver, The Good German, Children of Men, The Good Shepherd and Dreamgirls. Check out trailers for most of these films on my release calendar link over on the sidebar.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
And now the division!!
Holy shit! Unbelievable!! The Twins are AL Central Division champions! And Mauer's batting title (over that mofo Jeter) is icing on the cake.
Phew, what a finish...
And so, with this amazing turn of events, I have to quickly amend my post-season predictions:
ALDS: Twins will now beat Oakland in 5 games.
ALCS: Twins beat Yankees in 7 games.
I stand by the rest of my predictions as originally published.
Next up, figuring out how the hell I'm going to scrounge up tickets for Game 1 on Tuesday!!
More likely, I'll be leaving work early to watch from home.
Phew, what a finish...

ALDS: Twins will now beat Oakland in 5 games.
ALCS: Twins beat Yankees in 7 games.
I stand by the rest of my predictions as originally published.
Next up, figuring out how the hell I'm going to scrounge up tickets for Game 1 on Tuesday!!
More likely, I'll be leaving work early to watch from home.
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