So I've been doing a bit of musical research on some of the lesser known bands (to me) in the ACL line-up and I must say that things are looking up. I downloaded MP3s (thanks to an free trial) of several bands that I had heard of but never listened to and a few I've just never heard of at all. The research has paid off after discovering a few musical gems buried in the lineup such as Explosions in the Sky, Stars, Feist, Okkervil River, Jose Gonzalez and the Black Angels. So in other words, the line-up is growing on me.

Quick debrief on the Mogwai show last night at 1st Ave. As expected, I was blown away and I'm speaking literally here. They sounded brilliant of course, but there is nothing more prominent in a Mogwai show than the physical assault on our oh-so-very-precious ear drums. I've thought about this a bit and these unassuming Scots deliver a concussion-inducing sonic force that far surpasses any other band I've seen in a live forum. I swear I could actually see the sound waves, it was that thick. Yet their melodies, textures and occasional vocals still manage to rise to the surface, without distortion or becoming lost in the mix. Luckily all of this pummeling is exactly what you want and expect from Mogwai and is 100% indicative of their material (i.e. loud-soft-loud, repeat till climax sans post-coital cuddling).

Lastly, I wanted to acknowledge the successful
pass of the stadium bill early this morning after a very close vote, 34-32. Baseball is really the only sport I follow with any sort of passion, so I'm thrilled to see the Twins finally get their open-air baseball stadium. And you can bet I'll be there on opening day, 2010 even if I'm long gone by that time.
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