My brother-in-law and summer roommate, whom I have dubbed J. Barrington, is an aspiring songwriter and multi-instrumentalist. I thought I'd share a sample of what he's been up to this long, hot summer. Have a listen to this wonderful little tune of post-rock bliss titled "Lost in Self Destruction" streaming

Last week we took in the superb double feature of Wolf Parade and Frog Eyes at 1st Avenue. Over the last few months,
Frog Eyes has quickly become a favorite so I was very pleased to see Carey Mercer (a dead ringer for Philip Seymour Hoffman) and his bandmates in a live setting. They blitzed through a stellar set brimming with yelps, feedback and beautiful, buried melodies. If you're not familiar with their catalogue, proceed immediately to an online destination of your choice to download albums or at least a few tracks from
The Bloody Hand, The Golden River or
The Folded Palm.
Of course, the headliner of the night was
Wolf Parade, who has endlessly toured in support of their amazing debut LP
Apologies to the Queen Mary. Last year around this time, the Parade were opening for The Arcade Fire and here we are, a year later, and they're still on the road only now a well-deserved feature act. In retrospect,
Apologies is one of two albums that should have easily earned a ranked spot on my
Best of list from 2005 (for the record, Broken Social Scene's self-titled release is the other). I digress... Wolf Parade put on a fantastic set, featuring nearly every track from their LP plus around 4-5 new tracks led by the busiest man in Canadian rock, Spencer Krug. But you have to give props to that "other" lead singer Dan Boeckner. True, he is skinny enough to border on concern, but he does provide a welcome raucous rock 'n roll presence, that night proudly wearing a Metallica sleeveless t-shirt (ironic or not, who's to say). Maybe hinting at the next album, the new cuts feature Dan more than Spencer and less synth. It was a hell of a show and left me excited to catch their ACL set this September.
I'm glad my tickets when to a well deserving and apprciative fan. Yeah... I was about to kick your ass for leaving those two albums off your 05 best of list.
they're really going to be at ACL. damn, i want to go!
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